Wednesday 21 May 2014

Eighteen-year-old boy sits down with blood gushing from his head after he was hit allegedly by a stone when protesters were throwing stones at the cops who were firing rubber bullets at that time. The incident happened during a service delivery protest in Boksburg on February 24, 2014. Photo by Christopher Moagi

CARRIED TO A PLACE OF SAFETY: The 18-old boy carried by his brother and a friend to a place of safety, where he was taken to the nearest fire station for medical treatment.February 24, 2014. Photo by Christopher Moagi

Add cCARRIED TO A PLACE OF SAFETY: The 18-old boy carried by his brother and a friend to a place of safety, where he was taken to the nearest fire station for medical treatment. February 24, 2014. Photo by Christopher Moagi

1 comment:

  1. This photo will surely see you walking away with some awards!!! BRILLIANT!
